Sogeti Nederland B.V. - our main sponsor.
North Western European Regional Contest (NWERC)
The NWERC is the regional contest in which the Benelux participates. Every university in the Benelux can send teams to this contest. The BAPC is considered a preliminary round to the NWERC, but not ending in the top at the BAPC doesn't exclude you from participating in the NWERC.
International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC)
The main site of the organisation of the international contests. The regional contests as well as the world finals are organised by the ICPC. It's also a good place to see how popular these contests are all over the world.
W.I.S.V. 'Christiaan Huygens'
The organisers of the BAPC 2005 are a committee that's part of Study Association 'Christiaan Huygens' (CH) from Delft. CH is the study association for mathematics and computer science students in Delft.