System Specifications
During the contest the computer is your most valuable resource (except maybe for coffee). Some explanation about what you can expect from our systems, is therefore in order.
During the contest each team will have exactly one computer (with TFT screen, keyboard and mouse). The machines will have 512 MB or 1024 MB memory and a clock speed of 1.8 to 2.8 GHz. The jury will use similar machines to judge your submissions.
Before the start of the contest, you can choose whether you want to use Linux or Windows. It is not possible to change the operating system during the contest. The jury will run your submissions on Linux.
You can use C, C++, Java or Pascal for programming. You can choose which programming language you wish to use during the contest. You can even use different languages for different solutions.
The Linux machines will run Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 (Sarge).
Available window managers are:
Available compilers are:
Available editors:
And for the real die-hards we even have ed (0.2).
The Windows machines run Windows XP.
Available compilers:
Available editors (amongst others):
There are several additional editors installed under Cygwin (emacs, vim, joe, nano) and of course the standard Windows "editors" notepad and Wordpad are available as well.